Why summer is the best time to get your home winter-ready

Avoiding the heat and preventing the cold is important — and easier than ever with the help of PHDC.

Woman climbing out of the pool on a ladder

Winter is probably the last thing on your mind when you’re basking in the sun. But summer is the perfect time to get your home ready for the cold weather. That way, your home will be all set when temperatures drop. The city of Philadelphia’s community development organization, PHDC, wants to help.

PHDC is committed to improving the lives of people in the communities they serve. PHDC has support from city public officials and community agencies. But it’s not just another government agency. It’s a local organization focused on the community, which motivates their creation, support and implementation of great programs.

Restore, repair, renew (RRR)

This program was created and championed by now-Mayor Cherelle Parker when she was a member of city council.

The RRR program offers low-interest loans to eligible Philadelphia homeowners to make home improvements that focus on health, safety, weathearization, accessibility, and quality of life.

Some eligible services include repairs for:

  • HVAC system and water heater repair or replacement
  • Electrical repairs
  • Wall/roof/siding repairs
  • Window and door repairs
  • And more

To learn more about the program and its eligible services, visit phdcphila.org/rrr or call 215-866-5200.

Heater Hotline

Another helpful PHDC program is the Heater Hotline Program, aimed at winter weathearization.

Run by the Energy Coordinating Agency, this program provides free emergency heater repairs to eligible homes.

You can apply for a repair by calling the Heater Hotline at 215-568-7190. The Heater Hotline Program has income eligibility and other requirements. To check your eligibility, visit ecasavesenergy.org/heater-hotline.

Avoid heat-related illness this summer

It feels great to soak up the summer sun. It’s also important to stay safe during hot, humid weather. Here’s how.


  • Bring water with you.
  • Wear breathable fabrics.
  • Plan activities before 10 a.m. and after 4 p.m., when the sun is less intense.
  • Seek shade.
  • Wear SPF 15+ sunscreen


  • Close the blinds to keep the sun from heating up your home.
  • Have a safety plan in case you lose power.
  • Cool yourself down with a cool shower or compress.