Oral Health Tips for Keeping Your Mouth Healthy

Visiting your dentist regularly is the best way to keep your mouth healthy and catch issues early on. But what you do daily matters, too. Follow these steps to keep smiling for the long haul.

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You know about the importance of regular brushing and flossing. But did you also know that proper oral care can keep your heart healthy, too? Bad brushing habits have been tied to a higher risk of heart disease, according to the American Heart Association. It’s especially important that you visit the dentist regularly. So, make that appointment and keep your teeth and gums healthy between visits with these tips.

Habit 1: Floss first

It’s a must for a healthy mouth. “Flossing is just as important as brushing. Not flossing puts you at an increased risk of developing gum disease,” says Cynthia Sherwood, D.D.S., spokesperson for the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD). Floss goes where your brush can’t — between your teeth — to remove plaque and debris, and it can also help reduce bad breath.

Floss before you brush, both in the morning and before bed, to remove any accumulated food and plaque. Make sure you floss up and down and around your teeth, to ensure you’re getting in all the nooks and crannies.

Your doctor may recommend using mouthwash if you have issues with bad breath or need fluoride. The AGD advises avoiding formulas that contain high levels of alcohol (18 to 26 percent), which can dry out the mouth and produce a burning sensation. To get the full benefits, swish for 30 seconds, and avoid eating or drinking for 30 minutes after spitting it out.

Habit 2: Brush for two minutes, twice a day

When you brush, and for how long, matters. Do it after breakfast and again before bed. “To effectively reach all areas and scrub off cavity-causing bacteria, brush for at least two minutes,” Dr. Sherwood says.

If your gums are bleeding, the most likely culprit is plaque caused by inadequate brushing and flossing. “If plaque sits on teeth and under the edges of the gums for more than 24 hours, it forms toxins that cause inflammation and bleeding. So, the soreness and inflammation just get worse,” Dr. Sherwood says. “A lot of patients tell me that if their gums bleed, they try not to brush them because they’re afraid it will hurt.” Instead, continue brushing thoroughly and for at least two minutes — and if it doesn’t get better after a week, head to your dentist.

There is, however, such a thing as brushing too thoroughly. Avoid sawing back and forth and pressing too hard, and instead make gentle circular motions across each tooth. After brushing, swish with water to remove any excess toothpaste. Choose soft bristles (harder bristles can damage gums) and replace your brush whenever it begins to show wear, or after 90 days — whichever comes first.

Habit 3: Avoid sugary drinks and snacks

While flossing and brushing are musts for everyone, what you eat can hurt or help your teeth.

“Sports drinks, energy drinks, and soda can harm teeth. The high acidity levels in these drinks erode tooth enamel, the glossy outer layer of the tooth,” Dr. Sherwood says. “Damage caused to tooth enamel is irreversible, and without the protection of enamel, teeth become overly sensitive, prone to cavities, and more likely to decay.”

Talk to your dentist about how your food choices impact your teeth. If you do sip soft drinks, opt for a straw to avoid as much contact with your teeth as possible. The American Dental Association also recommends eating nutritious, acidic foods like tomatoes and citrus fruits with a meal, rather than on their own. Follow your meal with a drink of water to help rinse your mouth.