Get to the doctor, man
Take charge of yourself, no matter how old you are.

Many men can’t remember the last time they went to the doctor. “Guys typically avoid doctor visits as long as they feel fine,” says Alan Gertler, M.D., a heart specialist at University of Alabama Hospital. “But it’s important to take charge of your health even in your 20s or 30s.” Here are some key reasons to see your doctor routinely.
Prevent “older” problems
“Regular checkups can help prevent what we think of as ‘middle-age’ conditions like heart disease and diabetes,” Dr. Gertler says. Your health care team can help you keep an eye on blood pressure, cholesterol, weight and other factors that affect your life later on.
Keep up good defense
Do you remember your last tetanus shot? The vaccines you need depend on age and risk factors. You’re more likely to get your immunizations when you see your doctor regularly.
Know the score
Find out how you’re really doing. Discuss any concerns or worries you might have. It’s a good opportunity to learn about any lifestyle changes you should make.
Build a partnership
A primary care team can be partners who help keep you healthy, Dr. Gertler says. Your doctor can be the person you turn to when you need care, or have questions about your health.