Quiz: Where should you turn for care?
When illness or injury strikes, knowing where to turn for treatment isn’t always clear. Take our quiz to learn the best route of care for your symptoms

1. You’ve had a cold and fever for about a week. Where should you go?
A. Telemedicine (phone or online health care) provider
B. Primary care provider
C. Urgent care
D. Emergency room
Answer: A. With an online or phone provider, a nurse can assess your symptoms and advise what to do next.
2. You’ve spotted a strange freckle, but the dermatologist’s office can’t schedule you for six months. Where should you go?
A. Telemedicine provider
B. Primary care provider
C. Urgent care
D. Emergency room
Answer: B. Your primary care physician can assess whether the mark is problematic.
3. Mild nausea turned into a full day of diarrhea. The doctor’s office is closed. Where should you go?
A. Telemedicine provider
B. Primary care provider
C. Urgent care
D. Emergency room
Answer: B. Call your physician anyway. Sometimes they can be paged off-hours. If you can’t get ahold of your doctor, head to urgent care.
4. You’ve been bitten by a neighbor’s dog and may need stitches. Where should you go?
A. Telemedicine provider
B. Primary care provider
C. Urgent care
D. Emergency room
Answer: C. An urgent care facility can spot damage to nerves and tendons and provide stitches if needed.
5. The wind blew something into your eye. It’s painful and watery—even after rinsing. Where should you go?
A. Telemedicine provider
B. Primary care provider
C. Urgent care
D. Emergency room
Answer: C. Your cornea may be scratched. If so, the doctors at an urgent care facility will be able to tell. They can also remove foreign objects from the eye.
6. You’re sweaty, nauseous, short of breath, and having chest pain. Where should you go?
A. Telemedicine provider
B. Primary care provider
C. Urgent care
D. Emergency room
Answer: D. Always assume that chest pain could be a heart attack! Call 9-1-1 immediately if you experience any of the symptoms listed above.