Get the care you need
Take control of your health plan with these tips

Whether you’re managing a condition, or an unexpected injury or illness arises, there’s a fairly good chance you’ll need to see a doctor sometime this year. But depending on what kind of symptoms you’re experiencing, you might be a better fit for a certain type of facility (either through your primary care physician, a retail clinic, an urgent care center, the emergency room, or online via telemedicine).
So, which should you choose? Here’s how to take control of your health to get the care you need.
First, understand your network
The type of health plan you choose determines the network of providers you can visit. Doctors and hospitals in your plan’s network are in-network providers. This includes urgent care centers and some virtual options as well.
Those not in your plan’s network are out-of-network providers. You may pay more for out-of-network services, and some may not be covered at all.
Next, know your options before you need them
When something is going on with your health, your first instinct is probably to contact your primary care physician. But what about times when your primary care doctor isn’t available? You have other options that don’t involve a trip to the emergency room. Using virtual care, retail clinics, or urgent care centers when it’s not an emergency can save you a significant amount of time and money.
Know your virtual care options
For nonemergency care, virtual care can be a cost-effective way to get help quickly and safely. Here are some things you can typically get treatment for, either online or over the phone with a board-certified doctor:
- Allergic reactions (minor)
- Bronchitis
- Cold, cough, and flu
- Digestive issues
- Eye pain or irritation
- Fever
- Headache (minor)
- Sinus pain
- Skin conditions
- Sore throat
- Urinary tract infection
- Vomiting
Understand what can be treated at a retail clinic
Located within neighborhood retail stores, retail clinics can treat many of the same types of symptoms that can be treated with a virtual appointment. However, these facilities are a better choice when you are vomiting, having sinus pain, experiences cuts and scrapes, or need to be vaccinated.
Here are some additional reasons to seek care at a retail clinic:
- Allergic reactions (minor)
- Bronchitis
- Burns (minor)
- Cold, cough, and flu
- Cuts and scrapes
- Digestive issues
- Ear pain
- Eye pain or irritation
- Fever
- Headache (minor)
- Insect bites
- Sinus pain
- Sore throat
- Urinary tract infection
- Vaccinations
- Vomiting
Understand what can be treated at an urgent care center
If you’re sick or hurt, an urgent care center can be a less expensive choice than an emergency room visit. Some of the top reasons to head to an urgent care center: allergic reactions (that are minor), stitches, animal bites, and sprains.
Here are a few more reasons you might seek care at an urgent care:
- Allergic reactions (minor)
- Animal bites
- Asthma attack (minor)
- Back pain
- Broken bones (minor)
- Bronchitis
- Burns (minor)
- Cold, cough, and flu
- Digestive issues
- Ear pain
- Eye pain or irritation
- Fever
- Headache (minor)
- Infections
- Injuries (minor)
- Insect bites
- Sinus pain
- Skin conditions
- Sore throat
- Sprains and strains
- Stitches
- Urinary tract infection
Know when to head to the emergency room
If you or a loved one is experiencing a life-threatening or severe sickness or injury, head to the emergency room as soon as possible. This includes overdoses, signs of heart attack or stroke, loss of consciousness, or a spine-related injury.
In addition, here’s what else should be treated at the emergency room:
- High fever with headache or stiff neck
- Loss of consciousness
- Major injury
- Overdose
- Poisoning
- Seizure
- Severe allergic reaction
- Signs of heart attack or stroke
- Spine injury
- Sudden severe headache
- Suicidal thoughts
- Trouble breathing
If you’re not experiencing a life-threatening medical issue, you have many options besides the emergency room. An urgent care facility can treat minor issues such as a cut, sprain, or low-grade fever. It will most likely cost you less than an emergency room visit. And you’ll probably get treated faster too.