Why older women should be thinking about bone strength
Strong bones and osteoporosis prevention are key to healthy living for women in their 50s and older.

For women older than age 50, bone health is something to think seriously about. Bones lose strength over time, and older women in particular are at a greater risk of osteoporosis and fractures. It is crucial for women in this demographic to take extra precautions to protect their bones. If you’ve never had a fracture, it is important to maintain bone strength so you can avoid one. If you have had a fracture, it is important to avoid future breaks. Start here.
Feed your bones. Calcium strengthens bones, and vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium. Good sources of calcium include low-fat dairy products, salmon, and kale. Vitamin D is found in fortified cereals, milk, and fatty fish such as salmon and tuna.
Strengthen your bones. Weight-bearing exercises can help build up bone strength. Try exercises like walking, dancing, and strength training.
Get screened. Your doctor may recommend a bone mineral density test, which checks your risk of osteoporosis. If they don’t, inquire about it. Your doctor may also ask about your calcium levels, and recommend supplements if necessary.
Help fractures heal with therapy. What if you still end up with a fracture? Help it heal faster and avoid further problems with rehabilitation or physical therapy. Take the medicines your doctor recommends. Be patient and kind to your bones to help keep them strong.