Manage your health like a pro
And never miss an appointment or dose again

Managing multiple doctor’s appointments, treatments, and medications can be a real juggling act. But you’re not alone. Try these top tips for staying on top of your health (or the well-being of someone you’re caring for) from Gail Gibson Hunt, founder, former president, and CEO of the National Alliance for Caregiving.
1. Consult your pharmacist
If your prescriptions are filled by one pharmacy, there is a single record of your medications. This helps your pharmacist watch out for dangerous drug interactions. A few other helpful tools a pharmacist can provide:
- A printout of all your medicines. Get a new one before each doctor’s visit.
- A brown-bag consultation visit. Bring a paper bag of all of your meds, including over-the-counter drugs and supplements.
- Help finding/using pill organizers or ordering prescriptions. Have your medications individually packaged by day and dosage.
2. Contact your community center
Do you belong to a local community or senior center? If so, you might have access to self-management education (SME), a program created by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to help seniors learn more about, and better manage, their health. This program can be a good source of support, information, and even friendship. Find a program near you that’s tailored to your condition, or ask your doctor for a recommendation. Visit To find a free exercise class or wellness seminar near you, visit
3. Go online
There are several websites and apps that can help you manage your prescriptions, appointments, and symptoms with multiple conditions:
- IBX Provider Finder: Quickly search for and find in-network doctors and specialists near you.
- IBX Member Portal: Store your health history and insurance in a single, convenient spot.
- MediSafe (for Android and IOS devices): Track and receive reminders for all your medications throughout the day.
- PainScale (for Android and IOS devices): Log and track your symptoms over time in a single, easy-to-use digital journal.