Why your child should get the flu shot this year
Getting your child vaccinated for seasonal influenza is fast, effective, and available at no cost to you. Here’s what you and your family need to know, and how to get it

While getting an annual vaccination for seasonal influenza (the flu) can help prevent those uncomfortable symptoms associated with the virus, it could also ultimately save your child’s life (and the lives of those you love). “Influenza is a highly contagious and serious illness that still causes deaths each year,” says Scott W. Lindquist, M.D., state epidemiologist for communicable diseases and acting chief science officer for the state of Washington.
Symptoms of the flu include a fever, cough, body aches, and fatigue. While people are most likely to contract the virus during flu season, it can happen at other times, too. Generally, the ways to prevent the spread of any virus are similar. Be sure to continue to use these stay-well strategies all flu season long:
- Wash hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water
- If no sink is available, use hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol
- Avoid touching the face area, especially eyes or nose
- Cough or sneeze into your elbow or use a tissue; dispose of the tissue right away
- Avoid close contact with people who appear sick; this applies to you and your child
- Avoid close contact with others when in public
- Sanitize commonly used surfaces
- Keep your child home if they’re sick
If you think your child might have the flu, talk to your child’s doctor about receiving a diagnostic test to confirm the diagnosis. It’s important to do this within the first few days of showing symptoms. No matter how old your child is, their doctor can help manage the illness. If you or someone you love is having trouble breathing, feeling pressure or pain in the chest, showing new confusion, experiencing an inability to wake or stay awake, or showing bluish lips or face, call 9-1-1 immediately.
While taking protective measures to avoid infection is an effective way to stay healthy during flu season, one of the most critical steps you and your child can take is getting the flu shot. Here’s more from Dr. Lindquist on what you should know about this extremely important vaccination.
1. The flu is preventable
The flu virus is different every year. That’s why getting an annual flu vaccine is the best defense to prevent the flu and stay healthy.
Every year, a panel of medical experts examines the types of flu viruses that are currently circulating, as well as the types that people caught last year. This helps them develop a safe vaccine for whatever flu strains are most prevalent that year. While the flu shot is not 100% effective, it is the best way to protect you and your child against the flu.
2. Some people are more at risk than others
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, most people who get the flu will get better in a couple of weeks. Some can develop complications such as pneumonia, bronchitis, or sinus or ear infections.
The following groups of people are at risk for more serious flu-related complications that require hospitalization, so it’s especially critical to get the vaccine if you or someone you love:
- Is under 5 years of age, especially those younger than 2
- Is over age 65
- Is pregnant or up to two weeks postpartum
- Resides in a nursing home
- Has a health condition such as asthma, chronic lung disease, diabetes, or heart disease
- Is immunocompromised, including those who are receiving chemotherapy
3. You need to plan for it
The flu vaccine can take up to two weeks to work, so it’s important to get your child vaccinated as soon as possible. You can get your child’s flu shot at no cost when you present their member ID card at their in-network doctor’s office, retail health clinic, or pharmacy.
It’s also important to remember that the flu and COVID-19 may present similar symptoms but are very different viruses. It is more important than ever to stay up to date on all of your child’s recommended immunizations, including a yearly flu shot, to keep them healthy. Let’s all keep each other safe this flu season.