Make the most of your doctor’s visit
Six simple steps to save time, stress less, and get the care you need

Don’t dread your next doctor’s visit. Take advantage of it. Checking in with your doctor regularly can help you stay healthy now and even years into the future. Think of it this way: the sooner your doctor is able to identify and treat health problems, the better it is for your health. In some cases, your doctor may be able to help you avoid a health problem in the first place. To take the stress out of your next doctor’s appointment, follow these steps.
Write a list
Make a list of concerns or questions for your doctor. If you have new symptoms, write down what they are, when they started, and what has or hasn’t helped. Also, write down any medications, vitamins, and supplements you’re taking.
Schedule your visit
Need a new doctor? You can find one at When calling to set up your appointment, let the scheduler know your reason: you’re due for a checkup, you were referred for follow-up care, or you have symptoms of illness or injury. To save time on the day of your appointment, ask if you need to fill out any paperwork or have any lab tests before your visit.
Go to your appointment
Bring your member ID card, any paperwork, and your list of concerns, questions, and medications. You may also want to ask a family member or close friend to come with you. It can be hard to remember all your doctor’s advice, and you may want extra support. Try to arrive a few minutes early in case you need to fill out any forms.
Answer honestly
Your doctor may ask some personal questions, but there’s no need to be embarrassed. Giving honest answers about any symptoms, cigarette use, diet, exercise, and other lifestyle habits helps your doctor understand your health.
Ask questions
This is a great time to ask questions you have about your health. If you need more explanation about test results, a diagnosis, or medications your doctor has prescribed, don’t be afraid to ask. Want to know if there are ways you can lower your risk for disease or better manage your health? Your doctor can help with that, too. It’s a good idea to write down any important notes.
Follow up right away
Before you leave, ask when you should come back or if you should see another doctor. Schedule follow-up visits as soon as you can. If your doctor recommends lifestyle changes, like losing weight or exercising more, set small weekly goals.