Signs of depression you may not know

Depression affects more than just your mood. It can affect your physical health, too. Look for some of the most surprising yet common symptoms of depression so you can get the help you need.  

Signs of depression you may not know

We tend to associate depression with negative emotions, from sadness to irritability to anger. But unlike a dark mood that stems from a bad day (or even a week or a month), depression is a health condition that can manifest itself in physical ways that may surprise you. It’s easy to brush off these symptoms that are worthy of concern. But that’s a mistake, because getting proper treatment for depression is crucial to overcoming it.  

Below are surprising ways depression can show itself physically.  

1. You’re dealing with chronic pain. 

That chronic back pain isn’t in your head, but your mind and body are connected. Here’s how: Serotonin and norepinephrine, the neurotransmitters that influence mood, also influence pain. If you see your doctor for physical pain and they don’t find a physical cause, check in with yourself to see how you’re feeling emotionally. Your pain could be a sign of depression.  

2. You experience frequent sleep disturbances. 

Everyone experiences a rough night of sleep every now and then. But if you often wake up in the middle of the night and find it impossible to get back to sleep (no matter how many sheep you count), it could be a sign of something more. Interrupted sleep is a common sign of depression, including trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or staying awake.  
Lack of sleep also contributes to depression, leading to a vicious cycle. If you’re experiencing insomnia or often waking up in the middle of the night, talk with your doctor about your options.  

The National Sleep Foundation also offers these tips: 

  • Keep a regular sleep/wake schedule. 
  • Get some form of exercise every day. 
  • Avoid afternoon naps if you’re struggling with insomnia. 
  • Limit caffeine and alcohol. 

3. You have constant headaches. 

There are few things as bad as a blinding headache bringing your day to a halt. As many as 40 percent of people who have migraines also suffer from depression, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. 
Depression can cause you to tense the muscles in your neck and back without realizing it, which can sometimes result in excruciating tension headaches. For mild headaches, try a relaxing bath, resting quietly in a dark room, or meditating. For more severe headaches or if over-the-counter medications don’t help, see a doctor as soon as possible.  

4. You have trouble getting up in the morning. 

For someone with clinical depression, just getting out of bed in the morning can feel impossible. The fatigue can feel crushing. 
Many people describe this fatigue as feeling like a wet blanket has been thrown over them. Completing basic tasks such as going to the grocery store or even taking a shower can seem to require a lot of effort. If you find yourself constantly drained, share that information with your doctor and consider being screened for depression. 

5. Your appetite is disrupted. 

It’s common for people to lose interest in eating when they feel depressed. But others, those with what’s called atypical depression, can experience increased hunger or a desire to eat. If you experience a sudden change in your appetite, let your doctor know. 

6. Your stomach always hurts. 

From feeling nauseated before a presentation to getting butterflies before a big date, our stomach can tell us a lot about how we’re feeling, even if we’re not depressed. When someone is depressed, though, they may experience digestive issues such as constipation, diarrhea, or even persistent nausea. 

Support is out there. 

If you’re struggling with any of these physical conditions, make sure to mention them to your doctor, and consider asking him or her to screen you for depression. There is no substitute for a professional assessment, so seek the care of a medical provider or mental health professional. 

For 24/7 information on mental health and available services, reach out to these free and confidential support resources: 

  • SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) for individuals with substance abuse and/or mental disorders who are seeking counseling. Call 1-800-662-HELP (4357). 
  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or 988, or go to